Alaska Wildlife Page

Photo and Video Highlights of Alaska Wildlife

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 ...wikipedia. katmai park...


Was established to protect and study the active volcanic landscape surrounding the Valley of the Ten Thousand Smokes. This vast and pristine wilderness is a critical habitat for brown bears and salmon and provides citizens and scientists alike the opportunity to explore its dynamic arctic ecosystems.


Is in Brooks Falls – Katmai National Park, Alaska, USA . Watch salmon leaping up the falls, while brown bears compete with each other for the best fishing spots. The largest and most successful bears can catch and eat more than 30 salmon (over 120 pounds) per day! Bears are most abundant at Brooks Falls in late June and July during the sockeye salmon migration, but also keep an eye out for bald eagles, lots of gulls, and maybe even the occasional wolf trying to partake in the salmon buffet. this cam features sound with birds and waterfall noise.

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 Enjoy a bear’s eye view of Brooks Falls. This camera is situated at ground level on a major bear highway leading to and from the waterfall. You see what a bear might see as it approaches the southwest bank of Brooks Falls. This cam is located on the southwestern bank of the Brooks River in Katmai National Park, Alaska. The Brooks River connects Naknek Lake and Brooks Lake.

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This live cam is mounted on a floating bridge on the Brooks River, providing a spectacular view of the river and its surroundings. During the cold winter months, the landscape of Katmai National Park is blanketed with a thick layer of snow and ice. When the weather begins to warm in the spring, the river visibly comes alive.

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Affixed to a bridge near the outlet of Brooks River, this live underwater cam provides a wholly different perspective on the sockeye salmon swimming upstream to spawn. Witness salmon completing one of the last legs of their epic migration as well as catch glimpses of swimming bears looking for their next meal.

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Kat’s River View

Located near the outlet of Brooks River in Alaska’s Katmai National Park, the lower river cam overlooks where the Brooks River meets Naknek Lake. During early summer, it is a favorite spot of mother bears and cubs looking to avoid the competition at Brooks Falls. In September and October, as salmon spawn and die, the lower river becomes an important place for bears to fish before they begin winter hibernation.  

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The Riffles Bear Cam

Just 100 yards downstream from Brooks Falls, the Riffles cam overlooks an area of the river frequented by mother bears, their playful cubs, and wary sub-adult bears. Watch as they play, fish, and eat! In September, the riffles area is packed with spawning salmon.

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Polar Bear, Alaska Zoo

Enjoy this live view from Alaska Zoo, to show a polar bear in its natural environment! Alaska Zoo is a top attraction in the U.S. state of Alaska, with approximately 50 species of mammals and birds.

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