District of Columbia Webcams Page

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 Check out the view from the highest point in the nation’s capital – the Washington Monument. 24/7 views over the National Mall in Washington, DC are delivered in higher resolution than ever by EarthCam’s specially designed 5G camera, embedded in a secret, 3″ diameter hole drilled by engineers in 2011 to allow climbers to rappel down the monument to inspect earthquake damage.
To enable millions to peer out through this tiny aperture, EarthCam used custom 3D-printed components and a laser-cut lens to maximize the image quality and provide amazing wide-angle views of Washington DC. To see behind the scenes and watch the manufacture and installation of EarthCam’s camera, click here.

Thanks to EarthCam’s partnership with the National Park Service, anyone can experience Washington, D.C., from the top of the Monument.

hosted by earthcam.com


EarthCam and its affiliate, The Kennedy Center, offer terrific views of iconic Washington, D.C., landmarks. These include the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, a vibrant cultural hub, the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. Enjoy this marvelous live-stream of our nation’s capital overlooking the historic Potomac River.

hosted by earthcam.com


Washington DC is more than just the Capital city of the United States of America, it is also home to some of the most famous monuments and landmarks in the world. Of course, the main draw for many people to the city is the world famed White House, which is home to the president of the United States. This, along with other renowned landmarks, such as The Washington Monument, Lafayette Square, and The Lincoln Memorial all makes for a city steeped in a rich history of politics, law, and civilization. You don’t need to jet off to America to enjoy these sights, as the earthTV Webcam at the Associated Press building offers a glorious and an unobstructed view of the city’s most breathtaking locations throughout the day.

hosted by earthtv.com


The earthTV webcam in Washington D.C. captures a perfect view of the U.S. Capitol, focal point of the city and seat of USA’s government. Here’s where beside the President of the United States the two other branches of the U.S. government offices call their home: The Congress and the Supreme Court. The live streaming webcam also offers a wide view of the south entrance of Washington’s Union Station and Columbus Circle. Watch via live cam one of Washington’s busiest and best-known places Union Station and Columbus Plaza. 

hosted by earthtv.com

United States Capitol (Washington) Webcam

The United States Capitol is often referred to as the biggest power center in the entire world. Well, if you are interested in seeing this live in front of your eyes, but cannot do so because of some constraints, this camera brings you a unique opportunity to say the least.

The United States Capitol looks nothing sort of amazing during night because of all the illumination that it gets. It’s really an amazing view that you won’t be able to believe unless you check that out yourself. The camera is located a bit far away from the actual building, but you can check out the surroundings pretty clearly during daytime. The skyline is clearly visible through this camera, so, as the trees before the building.

hosted by senate.gov


Bloom Cam

EarthCam and the Trust for the National Mall in Washington D.C. have teamed up to present a beautiful bloom camera! Learn more at BloomCam.org on how you can help care for the blooms year round. Embrace this view of the Cherry Tree lined Tidal Basin and witness the Cherry Blossoms open during their “peak bloom” season this spring.

hosted by earthcam.com

Squirrel Wonderland, USA

Enjoy watching the Squirrel Wonderland live HD webcam stream from the greater Washington, D.C., area in the United States.
These captivating live camera feeds with sound provide a window into the various activities of these adorable squirrels. Explore their charming homes and observe the tender care they provide to their young ones.
Immerse yourself in the heartwarming world of these furry, charismatic critters as they go about their daily routines in their natural habitat.

hosted by webcamtaxi.com

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