North Carolina Wildlife Page

North Carolina Wildlife Highlights

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North Carolina Webcams Page

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Photo and Video Highlights of North Carolina

time of day in North Carolina (set home location)

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EarthCam and the North Carolina Wildlife Federation are bringing you to the Red Wolf Center in Columbia, NC to get up close views of a pair of red wolves. Red wolves are rare and naturally shy animals, so it’s hard to view them in the wild, this camera gives viewers a way to see them move around and interact with each other right outside of their den.

The cameras also help staff and caretakers observe the wolves from a distance to continue learning about their behavior and needs. EarthCam transports viewers virtually to the center for a rare opportunity to observe these amazing creatures and their behavior up-close and personal. To support the mission of their organization, donate today.

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EarthCam and the North Carolina Wildlife Federation bring you a live streaming bird’s-eye-view of osprey and heron rookery nests located on Lake Norman in Mooresville, NC. These cameras highlight the work of the Wildlife Federation and its local chapter, the Lake Norman Wildlife Conservationists – a community based organization established to support conservation of wildlife habitat and natural resources. The nesting platforms include osprey located in the shallow waters surrounding a small wooded island and a large heron rookery. The nesting sites are a part of a multi-year effort to support osprey, herons and other wildlife in North Carolina’s largest inland reservoir and river system, made possible through grants from Duke Energy’s Catawba Wateree Habitat and Enhancement Program. VIEW OF WEBCAM #2.

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North Carolina Field Cam Live Stream

Deer come to feed on and off all night and sometimes rest in the field. Periodically other animals come by as well (like skunks and fox and bunnys). If the sound is on, lots of frogs can be heard.

hosted by North Carolina Field Cam

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