On This Day


Some of my favorites from National Day Calendar website.

Also I go here National Day Today website.

February 1, 2023

Change Your Password Day – Really? Oh well guess I will start changing passwords.

G.I. Joe Day — Hey he had to start somewhere.

Global School Play Day – So wonder if the kids in school know this?

National Texas Day – It is Texas Day.. Did you know Dr. Pepper comes from this state? Also origin of our favorite items: hamburgers, beef, Rodeo, and live music.

World Hijab Day is observed every year on February 1 to honor Muslim women who wear the hijab.

FEBRUARY 2, 2023

Groundhog Day — Watch Punxsutawney Phil and see if he sees his shadow or do as I do … just go outside and take a picture of your shadow.

Groundhog Job Shadow Day — and of course take your kid to work. Let them stand in your shadow see what you do.

National Tater Tot – I love cooking these in my air fryer…

February 3, 2023

BUBBLE GUM DAY – First Friday in February Start chewing and blow some bubbles.

NATIONAL WEAR RED DAYFirst Friday in February – “National Wear Red Day”, on the first Friday in February, is an annual campaign to raise awareness about heart disease in women.

NATIONAL CARROT CAKE DAY — Wonder if Publix the grocery store has a sale on carrot cake?

Elmo’s Birthday – Elmo is a beloved character in the children’s series, produced by the Sesame Workshop — a non-profit organization that produces educational programs for kids.

Feed the Birds Day – “Feeding the Birds Day” is celebrated to bring attention to the extra help birds need right before spring, when their winter stores of food start running out. I feed the birds here in Florida everyday.

Working Naked Day “Working Naked Day” is celebrated on the first Friday in February, it takes place on February 3 this year 2023, and it is not what you think it is! The name of the holiday is suggestive, but it is actually about working from home (the naked part is optional). 

read more at National Day

February 4, 2023

 PLAY OUTSIDE DAYIf it’s the first Saturday of the month, it’s “National Play Outside Day”. So, no matter what month it is, everyone put down their electronic devices and get outside!

NATIONAL HEMP DAY  “National Hemp Day” proudly weaves a celebration surrounding an industry with a long and innovative history.


February 5, 2023

NATIONAL WEATHERPERSON’S DAY Always celebrated on February 5th, “National Weatherperson’s Day” (also known as National Weatherman’s Day) honors all individuals working in meteorology, weather forecasting, and broadcast meteorology. The day also recognizes volunteer storm spotters, observers, and others who work in the weather field.

Disaster Day “Disaster Day” is observed every year on February 5. It is a day to raise awareness about the different types of disasters that can and have occurred and the implications they have on the world and its beings. “Disaster Day” also highlights the importance of disaster management and the training that is necessary to tackle it.

Dump Your Significant Jerk Day “National Dump Your Significant Jerk Day” is celebrated around the world on the first Sunday in February of each year and this year will be held on February 5. Do you or someone you know have a relationship with someone who is just plain awful? The answer is most likely yes. Fear not, “Dump Your Significant Jerk Day” is the perfect occasion for finally getting rid of that jerk once and for all! This holiday encourages those who need a little push to reclaim their lives and stop allowing themselves to be mistreated. Ironically, it’s during the month of love, but I think that makes it even better sense because self-love is just as important.

February 6, 2023

NATIONAL CHOPSTICKS DAY Each year on “National Chopsticks Day”, people worldwide celebrate the humble and ancient utensils on February 6th.

Pay a Compliment Day  Nothing cheers a person up quite like hearing someone say something nice about you. It’s time to return the favor on Pay a Compliment Day and although we shouldn’t need a special day to show our appreciation, most of us need a little nudge, right?

International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation 

Falls on February 6 each year. Despite being in the 21st century, it’s deeply disturbing that this violent tradition still exists. You’d be surprised how common it is — from Africa and Eastern Europe to Arab countries, Asia, and Latin America. Removing external female genitalia has roots in thousands of years of gender inequality. Some cultures view it as a rite of passage into womanhood. Others practice it to control a woman’s sexuality and pleasure. The U.N. General Assembly has declared February 6 as International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation to raise awareness about this humanitarian crisis.

Lot of birthdays today —read them all

February 7, 2023

SEND A CARD TO A FRIEND DAY – “National Send A Card To A Friend Day” on February 7th reminds us to send friendly cheer through the mail. Do that by sending a note or message on a card to the friends we hold dear. Throughout the year, we often think about our friends. We wonder how they are, miss them, and remember fond memories of times shared. 

SAFER INTERNET DAY U.S.  Every year, Safer Internet Day brings tools, education, and awareness to create a safer internet for both kids and adults. From cyberbullying and identity theft to fraud and human trafficking, the internet can be a frightening place.

CHRIS ROCK birthday.

February 8, 2023

NATIONAL BOY SCOUTS DAY   On February 8 we celebrate National Boy Scout Day to honor those who are trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. Founded in 1910, by American W.D. Boyce, the Boy Scouts of America has helped shape many of our nation’s leaders. According to legend, Boyce was lost on a foggy street in London when an unknown Scout helped him by guiding him back to his hotel. When the boy refused a tip, explaining that he was only doing his duty as a Scout, Boyce was inspired to bring the teachings of the British Boy Scout Association back to the U.S.

National Kite-Flying Day Get set to feel the wind in your face, the line in your hand, and the liberating feeling one gets when flying a kite. It’s National Kite-Flying Day after all. Did you know kites have a lot to do with lift, thrust, drag, and wind pressure? Probably not. It’s ok. On February 8 simply grab a kite and some string to get started. Then, find an open field, start running, and hope for the best. Oh, and pray for wind.

February 9, 2023

NATIONAL PIZZA DAY National Pizza Day on February 9th celebrates one of America’s all-time favorite foods. Whether it is thin crust, Chicago-style, deep dish, or anything in between, pizza is an American favorite.

Read In The Bathtub Day National Read In The Bathtub Day is a yearly observance on February 9. Reading a book in a warm bath guarantees a calm feeling of relief as the literature therapeutically works its magic. You don’t have to worry about what noises are out there or any disturbances while you’re in the bath. You just get to focus on what you’re reading for as long as you want. The relaxation and scented bath would grant you an unforgettable experience!

February 10, 2023

International Cribbage Day Guess I need to learn how to play cribbage.

National Flannel Day I bought mine the other day. Good working outside shirt they are.

February 11, 2023

National Guitar Day Who comes to mind when you think of the guitar? Hendrix? Segovia? Clapton? No doubt those (mostly) modern titans belong on any list of the greatest six-slingers to ever tune up and jam. And I’ll give them their due. Wish I could play a guitar.

National Ava Day That is the name of my dog.

National Peppermint Patty Day I love peppermint patty. Cookies and ice cream.

February 12, 2023

Super Bowl Sunday Super Bowl Sunday takes place on the second Sunday in February — on February 12th this year. It’s a day when America’s love affair with football springs into full bloom. After 17 hard-fought matches spanning 18 weeks, the two best football teams in the NFL battle their way to a world championship in the grandest TV spectacle in America. Chiefs beat the Eagles.

Georgia Day The state of Georgia ratifies its constitution and officially becomes a part of the United States of America, as the fourth state.